Saturday, January 9, 2010

Micro High-definition Printing High Definition Security Paper.?

Printing high definition security paper.? - micro high-definition

What kind of printer for these companies in high-definition print, so that they "copy" the role micro-issues that are barely visible when you use a magnifying glass?
Thank you.


chiang-k... said...

This is not a printer, but at a printing press. What you see is the product of a dye-sublimation Real-plates with offset printing press ink on the role of the common controls and micro-security items.
The process of creation of micro-plates is owned and not publicly accessible for the general public. It requires a license and special permits that will be used for the banks to make because it is practically impossible to accurately reproduce,.

Colinc said...

It may be that the paper is manufactured using micro-dots.

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